

Helpful Information

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


We would like to remind the property owners that our data system is not linked with the Modoc County systems. Anytime there is owner changes or contact information changes, please remember to contact the POA as soon as possible, to keep your account as up to date as possible. There is an email contact form here, or you can reach the POA by telephone at (530) 233-4801. As there is only one office personnel, please do leave a message if the phone goes unanswered. We would love to make sure all of our records are correct, prior to the upcoming billing season. Thank you!

Friday, August 12, 2016

Excitement Abounds!

We here at the POA are very excited to undergo this new venture called a "blog". We are hoping that this will make it much easier for our owners, and any and all people that are interested in California Pines, to stay up to date with the goings on in our little community. We are also hoping that this will be easier for anyone to review our By-laws and CC&R's, which are also able to be downloaded and printed form the comfort of your own home. We would like to thank our owners and non-owners in their continued interest in California Pines! (And a HUGE "Thank You" Jenn Andersen for all of her hard work in helping to bring California Pines into the mainstream!)